Extra credit? Yes, please! An end-of-the-school-year tip for you and your students!

Can you believe the end of the school year is around the corner? And with it, students last minute anxieties and the inevitable question "can I do some extra credit?" My answer, "yes!" And no, I don't give them the kind of extra credit that will make my life busier than it already is with three kids of my own. Because let's face it, most of the students that ask for extra credit are not exactly asking to go from an A minus to an A (although I always have a couple of them). These students struggle, for whatever reason, in our classes. So why give them extra credit that involves more studying?

So, this is what I offer them to do. Pick a topic, any topic that has to do with Spanish (preferably something that we have done/studied that year in class) and create something that I can use for my future classes or to decorate my classroom. Anything? they ask surprised. Yes, anything. I ask them to check with me before they start working on it. I then add a couple of points to their fourth marking period grade. Throughout the past three years (when I started offering this option), I have gotten all kinds of cool things for my room. Grammar posters, cultural posters, Frida and Picasso's paintings (these high-schoolers are so talented!), games, calendars, videos (grammar and those "Visit Spain" kind of videos), stories to do TPR with my IEP driven class...

With this simple, no prep (yay!) thing, your students are happy (yay again!) and YOU get cool things for your room! (yay, yay and yay!)

Now, if you want to read other tips for the end of the school year, don't forget to visit these amazing teachers' blogs posted below.

And don't forget to enter into the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a TPT card! How cool is that?

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